Welcome to the Obilu Class Page!

Welcome to my corner of the internet! My name is Marisa Davis and I am a proud San Francisco native. An independent artist with a fascination with jewelry in every form, I picked up the hobby in my teenage years.

Eventually I was taken on as apprentice to a local high-profile jewelry designer. For years, I trained in advanced jewelry craft, design, color theory, and was taught everything from peyote stitch to pearl knotting and wire wrapping!

Now, here I am, years later, teaching classes in my own right, sharing my love and enthusiasm for enriching the creative soul through wearable works of art! I am so happy you could join me!

Thank you very much for stopping by! I am extremely happy and proud to be teaching classes at General Bead, located at 637 Minna St in San Francisco.

Class schedules and descriptions can be found below.

Drop by my Etsy site:


To sign up for the class, or, if you would like further information, please fill out the simple contact form to the right and I will email you personally ASAP!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Discovery and a Bandage

My ObiLuvs!

How I have missed you!  I hope your entire month of May was just incredible- be sure to send in any awesome crafting or vacation photos (I need to live vicariously through you, people)!

You all will never believe where I have been!  The operating room! (And not in the "I'm in X-Ray School so I was working in the O.R." kind of way!)

Can you believe it?  My doctor and I discovered a small mass growing under the thumbnail of my right hand!  Ouch!  So I spent May getting ready to get under the knife, and now I am spending June recuperating.  The healing process seems to be going well- I'm not in much pain, anyway.  The bandage should be coming off in a week or two!  I'm sure I'll be back to my bubbly self in no time!

Of course, this is pretty much THE reason why I haven't scheduled classes lately.  Don't worry, they'll be back up and running again soon!

If you want to get a chance to see me before I reinstate my class schedule, I will be working my very own booth at the Lower Haight Street Art Walk on Saturday, June 7 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.!  It's going to be an absolute blast- music, food, and lovely handmade jewelry made by Yours Truly!  By all means, come on by and chat with me!

See you this weekend- and soon after for classes!

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