Welcome to the Obilu Class Page!

Welcome to my corner of the internet! My name is Marisa Davis and I am a proud San Francisco native. An independent artist with a fascination with jewelry in every form, I picked up the hobby in my teenage years.

Eventually I was taken on as apprentice to a local high-profile jewelry designer. For years, I trained in advanced jewelry craft, design, color theory, and was taught everything from peyote stitch to pearl knotting and wire wrapping!

Now, here I am, years later, teaching classes in my own right, sharing my love and enthusiasm for enriching the creative soul through wearable works of art! I am so happy you could join me!

Thank you very much for stopping by! I am extremely happy and proud to be teaching classes at General Bead, located at 637 Minna St in San Francisco.

Class schedules and descriptions can be found below.

Drop by my Etsy site:


To sign up for the class, or, if you would like further information, please fill out the simple contact form to the right and I will email you personally ASAP!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Time Flies By!

Why hello there, November!

Hasn't 2014 been swooping by?  What a crazy few months!

In July I graduated from XRay School- close followers of mine know that- and in September I was officially hired (per diem- part time) by the hospital where I had done my training!  What an honor!  It's been exciting to be in training these past two months!  Caring for my patients is just wonderful, and now that there are two new classes of students to train, it's awesome to feel like I'm helping to shape the next generations of X-Ray X-perts!  

Of course, it's eaten into my crafty time, I must admit.

But that doesn't mean I've retired my pliers for good!  In my spare time away from the hospital, I've been revamping my jewelry, and planning a whole new relaunch of my Etsy site!  I've gotta tell you- it is going to be FANTASTIC!  

I can't wait to share it all with you!  But for now, you know how it is, I have to keep stuff under wraps.

Keep your eyes on me, and I'll keep you updated!

Rock on, lovelies!

Love, Marisa

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Classes are BACK!

The weekend is SO close!  And you know what that means...

With classes BACK ON at General Bead San Francisco, the weekend means gearing up for some fun at our Saturday afternoon beading classes!

Yes, it's true- my post-operative thumb is on the mend, and I'm ready to take up my pliers and wires!  Classes will be held Saturday June 14, and Saturday June 21!

I'm going to leave the subjects of these classes open!  I'll bring all of my materials, and we'll have a great time no matter what you'd like to learn!  Or shop the incredible selection at General Bead- they have every shape, color, make, model, and trend of bead out there!  Bring your inspiration and creativity to my table and take home your new masterpiece!

Be sure to sign up, ask questions, send a friendly note through this blog, and we'll get you a special place reserved in class!

Oh, and of course, a special thank you to everyone who came out to see me for the Lower Haight Art Walk!  My booth had a successful turnout- but most importantly, I had fun being out in the sunshine seeing all of you!  Wasn't the live band just too awesome?

For those of you who missed it, here's a little snapshot of my booth!  A few of the items from my table are still available at www.obilu.etsy.com - hurry on over!

The Summer is just beginning, and so many more adventures await us all in the months ahead!  Stay tuned, my ObiLuvs!

And always,

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Discovery and a Bandage

My ObiLuvs!

How I have missed you!  I hope your entire month of May was just incredible- be sure to send in any awesome crafting or vacation photos (I need to live vicariously through you, people)!

You all will never believe where I have been!  The operating room! (And not in the "I'm in X-Ray School so I was working in the O.R." kind of way!)

Can you believe it?  My doctor and I discovered a small mass growing under the thumbnail of my right hand!  Ouch!  So I spent May getting ready to get under the knife, and now I am spending June recuperating.  The healing process seems to be going well- I'm not in much pain, anyway.  The bandage should be coming off in a week or two!  I'm sure I'll be back to my bubbly self in no time!

Of course, this is pretty much THE reason why I haven't scheduled classes lately.  Don't worry, they'll be back up and running again soon!

If you want to get a chance to see me before I reinstate my class schedule, I will be working my very own booth at the Lower Haight Street Art Walk on Saturday, June 7 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.!  It's going to be an absolute blast- music, food, and lovely handmade jewelry made by Yours Truly!  By all means, come on by and chat with me!

See you this weekend- and soon after for classes!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Up and Running!!

Are you all as busy this Spring as I have been?  Whew!

Obilu has had SO much love and support this month- on top of orders being shipped out (swanky wearable art finding loving forever homes- how awesome is that!), my classes have gotten up and running!

So far I've held classes through March and April, and word seems to be getting around nicely!  My students have been coming up with the BEST ideas, and everyone has really enjoyed the classes so far!  Not to worry, more are on the way!

A special THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me by attending classes, visited my online store at www.obilu.etsy.com, and to those of you who have fallen in love with and purchased your favorite Obilu item!  Keep those Happy Shopper photos coming!

Don't forget to send me a note through this blog right here if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, dynamite strawberry rhubarb pie recipes, or songs stuck in your head.  I always love to hear from you!

Until next time!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Obilu's News : First Class Ever!

Happy Spring everyone!

During my Spring cleaning, I've discovered exciting things in my inventory that I totally forgot I had. I'm coming up with the most incredibly fun designs, and I can't wait to share them with you! Keep a close eye on my Obilu Etsy to see what new things I've come up with for you.

In even more exciting news, I've just taught my first class at General Bead in San Francisco this

Everyone had a great time and I will definitely have some new classes coming up, so sign up and reserve your space now!

Also, feel free to contact me if you would like to commission a made-for-you, one-of-a-kind, handmade Obilu custom order. Now is a good time to hit me up for bridal jewelry for your perfect summer wedding!

Keep being beautiful, my friends, and until next time,

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

New Arrivals Coming Soon to Obilu!

Hi everyone!

It's been a little while since the last post, but don't think I have forgotten about you. I've been having a blast with the classes and I can't wait to see you there! Of course, a girl still needs time to play, and I've been having the best time with my newest creations. I'll tease you with a little sample at the bottom of this post. Keep a sharp eye out at my Obilu Etsy for my newest treasures! 

Now, I can't be the only one having all the fun here, so I'm giving you all a little homework assignment. Go dig through your jewelry boxes, pull out your favorite Obilu bling, and send me your best supermodel selfie modeling it for me at obilu.etsy@gmail.com. Check back and perhaps you will find your glamour shot featured here!

Keep calm and craft on!


Saturday, February 22, 2014

First Class: Basic Beadstringing

I'm ecstatic to announce that the first class held at General Bead (637 Minna St. San Francisco CA 94103) will take place on Saturday, March 1st from 1:00-2:30pm. Learn the basic principles of jewelry making from start to finish.

Topics covered include:

1) Introduction to tools
2) Introduction to materials
3) Techniques for gorgeous necklace and bracelet craft

This fun 90 minute class will be $60 (cash or credit) and tools and materials are happily provided! By the end of class, not only will you be a beadstringing superstar, you will also have goodies to take home to prove it!

Keep a fresh eye out for more classes to come.

Let's get those creative spirits shining and I will see you all on Saturday!